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    During your time at Harper we do have to ask you to complete a few essential surveys.

    Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)

    The PTES is run by the Higher Education Academy together with Harper Adams, to ask about your experiences of your postgraduate taught programme.

    Surveys of this nature provide universities with information that they can use to improve the experience of postgraduate taught students in future. The overall aim of the survey is to identify, at both a local and national level, areas where improvements could be made and efforts targeted to further enhance taught degree programmes. The results will, therefore, be used both nationally as well as incorporated into the annual course report, and associated action plan, for the Taught Postgraduate programmes at Harper Adams.

    Your personal email address will be used for this survey. 

    Module surveys

    You will be asked to complete this on the last day of each taught block module. It will only take five minutes and your feedback will be used to help tutors revise arrangements in the long term review of programmes.

    Module feedback survey

    You will be asked to complete this survey at the end of the academic year.  It will only take five minutes and your feedback will be used to help tutors revise this in the long term review of programmes.

    Finally - all leavers will be contacted by letter 15 months after their graduation by University staff collecting information for the Graduate Outcomes Survey. We will initially contact you by letter, and then follow up by telephone or e-mail if we do not hear from you. Please could you take ten minutes to help us by filling out this short survey. Your answers help us to find out what our graduates are doing, and how useful you found your course in preparing you for employment or further study. 

    Your personal email address will be used for this survey. 

    Please take the time to complete these surveys – they are important.


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