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I started my journey at Harper in 2022 at 18, straight after finishing my A-levels. After struggling in Sixth Form I wasn’t so sure that university was on the cards for me, so when results day came, and I checked UCAS to see I had been accepted to study at Harper Adams, I was thrilled.
I applied for Agriculture with Animal Science (now Agriculture with Livestock Production Science) as it focused on the sector of farming which interested me the most. I would be focusing on the livestock side of farming but there would still be a chance to learn about the arable side.
The modules I have completed over the first two years developed my knowledge of livestock practices in agriculture and opened my eyes to different career pathway choices for me once I finish my time at Harper.
The placement year is what stood out for me when choosing which universities to apply to. It provides a great stepping stone for future career prospects and gives students a chance to work in the industry before finishing their degree. Over the past two years I have become interested in the genetic side of livestock production and decided that is the direction I wanted to focus on with my placement, The British Limousin Cattle Society seemed like the right place to spend my year.
I am now six months into my placement there and have enjoyed every second. I am constantly meeting new people and going to places which I have never been to.
This placement is ideal for any Agriculture with Livestock Production Science student who has an interest in genetics within the beef sector. From the start, I always felt part of the team which made the transition from university to a placement a lot easier.
As part of the herd book team, my role is very varied. I deal with day-to-day enquiries from our members, from DNA to calf registrations and I have also attended numerous different shows and sales over the past six months.
The highlight of my placement so far has been handing out the champion and reserve champion rosettes at the Royal Welsh show. I felt very privileged to be able to do this at a national show and for the chance to represent the society.
In March, I will be travelling to the Republic of Ireland to attend one of the biggest sales for the Irish Limousin Society. Whilst over there, I will also be visiting Weatherby’s Lab, which is where we send all our DNA samples to and ICBF (The Irish Cattle Breeding Federation), who deal with all the performance recording and cattle registrations in Ireland.
I’ve had a great experience so far and I’m looking forward to what the next six months have to offer!
By Kaetlin Padgett
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