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    Meet the lecturer: Dr Mark Simcock

    10 December 2025

    What is your job role at Harper?

    I am currently the Course Manager for the Land and Property Management Programmes and am also a Principal Lecturer in Rural Land Management and Valuation.


    Where did you study?

    I studied Rural Enterprise & Land Management here at Harper Adams Agricultural College graduating in 1997.

    More recently I completed a Professional Doctorate at the University of Salford, Manchester (2019) for my thesis entitled: Valuers of UK Agricultural Land: an assessment of their performance, decision making and use of comparable evidence.


    What are your professional qualifications?

    • Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
    • Fellow of the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers
    • Fellow of the Livestock Auctioneers Association
    • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


    What are your previous job roles?

    Before coming to work at Harper I worked in rural professional practice in North Staffordshire (1997-2008) engaged in a full range of rural professional work.  This included carrying out valuation work. I also worked as a Livestock Auctioneer selling livestock in the local livestock market in Leek on a weekly basis.


    What is your specialist subject?

    Valuation of Land and Property although I also have an interest in Estate Management


    What is your favourite module and why?

    That would have to be our Valuation modules.  I enjoy the professional challenge of trying to estimate what buyers would be prepared to pay for land and property and also looking at all the factors that could affect the value of land and property.


    Why do you like working at Harper?

    Our students.  I enjoy the classroom environment where I can get to know students and work with them to enhance their, and my own, understanding of complex matters.  It is wonderful to see a group of students progress and develop through the course and finally graduate and progress with confidence in to the profession.


    What opportunities do you see for Harper LPM graduates?

    In my view today, these are immense.  The demand for land has never been more competitive, whether that be for food production, for environmental mitigation/enhancement or for housing, and so the skills of the land manager in deciding on the best use for land have never been more needed than they are now.


    Where can I get in touch with you if I have any questions about the LPM courses at Harper?

    Via my website profile



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