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    T-levels: is a world-class qualification your choice for your future career?

    13 February 2025

    Today's T Level Thursday, part of .

    In this guest blog Rachel Brookes, Widening Participation Lead  at ÎÞÂ붯»­, explores the qualification - and what it could mean for learners.

    Let’s talk about T Levels, the newest qualification of choice by employers, education institutions, young people - and those that influence them. 

    For 16 to 19 year olds, taken after GCSEs, T Levels are broadly equivalent to three A levels and focus specifically on technical and vocational skills. T Levels are a high quality, world-class qualification enabling students to discover more in various skilled areas and industry sectors.   

    There are now 21 T Levels available, with more planned, so this newest way of learning at a further education level is only going to get stronger, more understood and respected.   

    Are T Levels for me?  

    T Levels are a great choice of qualification, offering a mix of learning and on-the-job training that can help students get into skilled employment, university or higher apprenticeships and Higher Technical Qualifications.  

    Each T Level includes an in-depth industry placement that lasts at least 45 days.  Students get valuable experience in the workplace, and employers get early sight of the new talent in their industry, so they are an ideal choice of qualification for students that want hands on work experience within their learning.   

    T Level students spend the rest of the time in their learning environments, either in a school sixth form or in college, therefore gaining both the skills that employers need plus academic learning.   

    Good news for ÎÞÂ붯»­!   

    Most universities are now recognising T Levels as a great qualification to access higher education level courses and are accepting T Levels relevant to their courses for entry.   

    At Harper Adams, most of our courses will have certain T Levels listed as possible routes for entry, subject dependent.  It is important to make sure that your T Level matches the entry requirement subject area for that HE course.  These specifications will be listed on university websites.    

    Three new T Levels were launched in September 2024, including one we are particularly excited about; Animal Care and Management, which will prepare students for further study at Harper Adams on many courses – good news!   

    As a T level ambassador, my personal mission when talking about T Levels is to advance the recognition, understanding and adoption of T Levels by being part of a vibrant community of trusted ambassadors who champion the transformative power of technical education. 

    Did you know? 

    More than 90 per cent of T Level completers from the first cohort were in education or employment 9-10 months after their course.  

    82per cent of students agreed that their T Level had allowed them to progress to what they wanted to do.  

    More than160 Higher Education Institutions now accept T Levels - and ÎÞÂ붯»­ is one of those.   

    For more information on T Levels you can visit , talk to your FE provider and/ or school – and, of course, you can contact the admissions team at Harper Adams for advice on how your T Level matches with our courses.



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