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    Dr Laura Vickers

    BSc PgC PhD

    Associate Head of Department for the Sustainable Systems Section, Senior Lecturer in Plant Biology

    Photograph of Laura


    I teach crop production, plant physiology and biosciences to undergraduates; entomology, horticulture and plant physiology to postgraduates. I am the course manager for the Agricultural Sciences and Production Systems MSc and the BASIS partnership manager.  

    My research areas of expertise are in organismal adaptability to environmental stress, in particular water stress working with Professor Peter Kettlewell in the area of antitranspirants. I also conduct research in entomology, particularly aphids, and urban farming. I am a advisory board member of the UK Urban AgriTech, as well as working within the Policy and Advocacy group. My other interests are in fresh produce production, postharvest quality, in addition to plants as green infrastructure. 

    Teaching Duties

    Course Manager for the Agricultural Sciences and Production Systems MSc/PgD/PgC

    Module Leader:

    • Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (level 4)

    Other Teaching:

    • Research Methods (level 5)
    • Crop Production Sciences (level 5)
    • Environment and Geography Field Course (level 6)
    • Insect Physiology (level 7 - MSc level)
    • Sustainable Farming Systems (level 7)
    • Professional Placement Project (level 7)
    • Case Study (level 7)

    Research Duties

    Director of Studies:

    Commonwealth funded PhD studentship at ÎÞÂ붯»­ (Bonaventure Ufitinema) 2024 - ongoing - Minimising agriculture's contribution to grrenhouse gas emissions via effective post-harvest practices and composting the leftovers by Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens L.)

    PhD with Vertical Future (previous funding from Digital Farm) awarded by ÎÞÂ붯»­ (Katia Kouloumprouka Zacharaki) 2019 - ongoing - Behaviour of strawberry plants in indoor/vertical production with artificial lighting

    PhD Co-supervisor:  

    PhD studentship at ÎÞÂ붯»­ (Claire Griffiths) 2023 - ongoing - Cultivating interest; The ability of community-based urban agriculture to provde key Ecosystem Service

    PhD studentship at The University of Vallalodid (Ouiam Fatiha Boukharta) 2022 - ongoing - Best practises in Urban Agriculture

    MIBTP PhD studentship at ÎÞÂ붯»­ (Misbah Sehar) 2021 - ongoing - The role of pollen starch accumulation in responses of wheat to water stress and antitranspirants 

    PhD studentship at ÎÞÂ붯»­ (Jie Xiang) 2018 - 2022 - Understanding mitigation of drought damage to rapeseed (Brassica Napus L.) from sprays of film antitranspirants

    Commonwealth funded PhD studentship at ÎÞÂ붯»­ (Wiza Mphande) 2017 - 2021 - The role of Antitranspirants and drought signalling in reproductive developments in Spring Wheat 

    iCASE PhD studentship at the University of Birmingham (David Booth) 2016 - 2020 - Investigation into the agronomic and biological factors affecting postharvest bruising in Pastinaca sativa (Parsnip) 

    Research interests

    • Plant adaption to drought stress and drought mitigation
    • Urban agriculture 
    • Organismal adaptability to the environment in particular insect plasticity to indoor production systems
    • Maximising yield, marketability and storage in fresh produce crops
    • Value of plants with regards to green infrastructure and Health and Wellbeing.

    Webinar Contributions

    • on "Urban Agriculture and Communities" on 25th November 2020 [YouTube].
    • , 3rd September 2020 on how technology can build trust for vertical farming - also featuring Jack Farmer of LettUsGrow and David Farquhar of IGS Limited.
    • , 19th August 2020 entitled "Farming in the Future: Educating the Next Generation to Make CEA Scalable"


    Xiang, J., Hare, M. C., Vickers, L. H., & Kettlewell, P. S. (2024). A Comparative Study on Rapeseed Sprayed with Film Antitranspirant Under Two Contrasting Rates of Soil Water Depletion. Agronomy14(12), 2944.

    Mphande W., Farrell A.D., Vickers L.H., Grove I.G., Kettlewell P.S. (2024) Yield improvement with antitranspirant application in droughted wheat associated with both reduced transpiration and reduced abscisic acid. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 162 (1) :33-45. doi:10.1017/S0021859624000157

    Boukharta, O. F., Huang, I. Y, Vickers, L., Navas-Gracia, L. M. and Chico-Santamarta, L. (2024) Benefits of non-commercial Urban Agricultural Practices – A systematic map. Agronomy, 14, 234. doi:10.3390/agronomy14020234

    Zacharaki, K, Monaghan, J., Bromley, J. and Vickers, L. (2024) Opportunities and challenges for strawberry cultivation in urban food production systems. Plants, People, Planet. 10.1002/ppp3.10475

    Xiang, J., Vickers, L. H., Hare, M. C., and Kettlewell, P. S. (2023)  Agricultural Water Management, 284.

    Xiang, J., Vickers, L. H., Hare, M. C., and Kettlewell, P. S. (2022)  Agricultural Water Management, 270.

    Mphande, W., Farrell, A. D., Grove, I. G., Vickers, L.H. and Kettlewell, P. S. (2021)  Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science

    Xiang, J., Hare, M., Vickers, L. and Kettlewell, P. (2021) Crop Protection 105531

    Mphande, W., Farrell, A. D., Grove, I.G., Vickers, L.H. and Kettlewell, P.S. (2020)  Agricultural Water Management, 244.

    Beacham, A. M.; Vickers, L. H and Monaghan, J. M. (2019) Vertical Farming: A Summary of Approaches to Growing Skywards Journal of Horticulture Science and Biotechnology In Press

    Pritchard, J. and Vickers, L.H. (2017) Chapter 7 Aphids and Stress. Aphids as Crop Pests. Ed: Emden, H van, Harrington, R. CABI 

    Hunter, P.J.; Atkinson, L.D.; Vickers, L.H.; Lignou, S.; Oruna-Concha, M.J.; Pink, D.A.C.; Hand, P.; Barker, G.; Wagstaff, C. and Monaghan, J.M. (2017). Oxidative discolouration in whole-head and cut lettuce: biochemical and environmental influences on a complex phenotype and potential breeding strategies to improve shelf-life. Euphytica, 213 (8)

    Vickers, L. H. (2016) Gardening sustainably for the future. Living with Environmental Change. Policy in Practice Notes, Note 29 [Accessible here ] 

    Monaghan, J.M.; Vickers, L.H.; Grove, I.G. and Beacham, A.M. (2016) Deficit irrigation reduces postharvest rib pinking in wholehead Iceberg lettuce, but at the expense of head fresh weight. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97 (5), 1524–1528

    Hossain, M.R., Vickers, L., Sharma, G., Livermore, T., Pritchard, J. and Ford-Lloyd, B.V. (2016) Chapter 22 Salinity Tolerance in Plants: Insights from Transcriptomic Studies. In Managing Salt Tolerance in Plants: Molecular and Genomic Perspectives. Ed Wani, S.H. and Hossain, M.A. CRC Press

    Vickers, L.H., Grove, I.G. and Monaghan, J.M. (2015) Irrigation affects postharvest discolouration and yield in iceberg lettuce. Acta Horticulturae 1091, 253-258

    Vickers, L.H., Grove, I.G. and Monaghan, J.M. (2015) Soil type and irrigation affects onion yield and storability. Acta Horticulturae, 1091, 245-251

    Monaghan, J.M., Daccache, A., Vickers, L.H., Hess, T.M., Weatherhead, K.E., Grove, I.G. and Knox, J. W. (2013) More ‘crop per drop’: constraints and opportunities for precision irrigation in European agriculture. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93 (5), 977-80

    Vickers, L., Moorhouse, E. and Monaghan, J. (2013) FV 413 - A review of the agronomic factors that influence postharvest pinking in lettuce. Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board

    Professional Memberships

    UK Urban Agri Tech - Advisory Board member



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    Additional Information

    You can connect or contact me on LinkedIn: 


    You can contact Dr Laura Vickers if you would like to discuss any of the following course modules:



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