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    Shropshire Chamber of Commerce patrons visit education hub for fact-finding tour

    Posted 25 February

    Ruth Ross takes on the ‘unbeatable’ robot at The Quad, watched by patron members

    Ruth Ross takes on the ‘unbeatable’ robot at The Quad, watched by patron members

    Patron members of Shropshire Chamber of Commerce enjoyed a fact-finding trip to the education hub at Telford’s new Station Quarter – and came face-to-face with a ruthless game-playing robot.

    ÎÞÂ붯»­ hosted the event at The Quad, the first phase in Telford & Wrekin Council's ambitious project to create a vibrant new residential, educational and business quarter in the town centre.

    Patrons were give a tour of the new facilities, where ÎÞÂ붯»­ has created its first dedicated hub for digital skills and innovation - focusing on future technologies such as AI, data science, robotics and digital business management. The hub will provide expert support and guidance to businesses looking for bespoke CPD training and technology transfer.

    Shropshire Chamber chief executive Ruth Ross also pitted her wits against a robotically-controlled Connect Four-style game in The Quad’s reception area.

    Artificial intelligence experts have created the ‘Four In A Row’ game which is said to be unbeatable -and that’s how it proved!

    Shropshire Chamber of Commerce’s patron programme is designed to give businesses the opportunity to raise awareness of their organisations, and express their commitment to the success of the local business community.

    Rachel Owen, who runs the programme, said: “Being a patron is a mark of excellence and integrity, and demonstrates a firm commitment to the Chamber, and the success of Shropshire’s economy as a whole.

    “Patrons understand and engage with one another and aim to identify opportunities, and trade with and obtain introductions for each other wherever possible.

    “The objective is to generate ideas, enthusiasm and dynamic business opportunities and to feed this back through Shropshire Chamber and onwards to the county’s businesses as a whole.

    “Through their attendance as patrons at appropriate events, networking forums and business expos, they demonstrate their belief in the programme and through on-going membership they commit to maintaining the highest standards.”

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