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The Nematology Group have experience with a variety of different strategies for managing plant parasitic nematodes of arable and horticultural crops. Previous projects have investigated novel compounds, biological control, plant extracts, biofumigation and trap crops. Research is undertaken in the laboratory, under controlled conditions and in the field.
To facilitate this work, we have access to specialist facilities for nematode extraction, observation and diagnosis. Cultures of root lesion, root knot and stem nematodes are maintained, and the group have developed a range of molecular diagnostics to assist with identification.
Biology and integrated pest management of nematodes is taught on a variety of different courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. The group is active in knowledge transfer, consultancy, commercial trials and is also involved in the organisation of conferences such as the Symposium of Potato Cyst Nematode Management and Advances in Nematology.
Research contact 01952 81 5113
Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm
The group is active in knowledge transfer, consultancy, commercial trials and is also involved in the organisation of conferences such as the Symposium of Potato Cyst Nematode Management and Advances in Nematology.
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