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This project provides delivery of higher education to African students so they can obtain a qualification in Agribusiness. The course is practically focussed and includes elements of agrononmy and animal husbandry, farm business, mechanization and technology. On completion students will be suitably qualified for a career in African or mulitnational agribusiness
ÎÞÂ붯» is the education partner, to AGCO for this project. The project provides delivery of higher education to African students in situ so they can obtain a gneneral qualification in Agribusiness. Like all ÎÞÂ붯» courses, this course is practically focused and combines elements of agronomy, animal husbandry, farm business, mechanization and technology. Students receive high quality training that provides them with the essential skills to obtian a position within an African or multinational agribusiness and thus to use their skills to improve food production and distribution within Africa and beyond.
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