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    Online Enrolment

    Once your place has been confirmed, you will need to enrol online using our Online Enrolment page. To access this, you will receive an email inviting you to enrol. This will contain your login details along with a series of instructions to help you with the process.

    You will need to make sure you follow the instructions carefully and complete the enrolment before the deadline shown in the enrolment invitation email.

    Once you have completed enrolment you will have access to your pre-arrival induction, Welcome Week and additional registration information. 

    Residents’ Registration

    Registration for new students living on campus will take place on Sunday 22nd September 2024 from 10am to 4pm. 

    We are really excited that you are joining us later this summer and can’t wait to get you started! We can’t give up all our secrets just yet but we know that it is nice to have some idea of what is to come and what to expect, so we have put together some general information on some key events to get you started on your student journey with us. 

    Below is an outline of registration arrangements for new undergraduate students’ registration. We hope you are excited to join us and we will be making more information available about Welcome Week closer to the time (end of August) so you can plan ahead. 

    The Residential Check-In and Registration will take place throughout the day and at a number of locations on campus. Specific guidance for the day will be confirmed once you have accepted your accommodation offer, due to be released from 22nd August onwards. To help us to co-ordinate arrivals, it will be important that you make arrangements to arrive at your designated time so we can manage the numbers of students registering at any one time – we will be contacting you in early September to book your arrival slot.  On the day, we encourage you to park near your allocated accommodation when you arrive (see the campus map) as this will make unpacking easier and minimises vehicle movement around the campus. There will be a number of key tasks to complete on the day as well as moving in such as GP and Vehicle registration, ID card and welcome bag collection. You will get to meet the Student Life Rep team (SLRs) as well as the wider Student Services Team, including our Out of Hours Support team.

    Don’t forget you can start to connect with other students on your course by joining our online communities and once the accommodation offers go out, we will create groups for the different residential areas, so you might even get to find out who will be living next to you, before you arrive.

    Delayed Arrival?

    On the day, if you expect your arrival to be delayed please contact us on 07964 114234, as we will be out and about (not in the office) and that way we can advise you of alternative arrangements.

    If you think you will be unable to attend the Residential Check-In on the 22nd  September, please contact the Accommodation Team in advance on accommodationoffice@harper-adams.ac.uk to discuss alternative arrangements.

    Delayed arrival?

    On the day if you expect your arrival to be delayed please contact us on 07964 114234, as we will be out and about (not in the office) and that way we can advise you of alternative arrangements.

    If you think you will be unable to attend the Residential Check-In on the 24th September, please contact the Accommodation Team in advance on accommodationoffice@harper-adams.ac.uk to discuss alternative arrangements.

    Non-Residents’ Registration

    Registration for new students living off campus, in private rentals or commuting from home, will take place the hour before your allocated Welcome Session on Monday 23rd September, so it will be either 9-10am or 1-2pm, and you will be advised of your allocated slot closer to the time. . This includes all returning 1st year students, who will be progressing from the Extended Degree Programme to Year 1 of the degree programmes.

    You will be hosted by your own dedicated Harper@Home Student Life Rep and meet some of the wider Student Services Team. You will be required to visit the registration desk to register and collect your student ID card followed by your allocated welcome briefing slot. This will also be an opportunity to meet other commuting students in similar circumstances to you. But don’t forget you can start to meet other students by joining the relevant online communities. Non-resident students (Harper@Home) will be able to park in any car-park on the day.

    What will happen during Registration?

    On your Registration Day, you will be asked to go to a designated location on campus to register your arrival and effectively start with ÎÞÂ붯»­. Closer to the time, you will receive more detailed information and guidance, so don’t worry about it just yet. The registration process involves checking that a number of tasks have been completed as appropriate, including:

    • Successful Online enrolment
    • Right to Study Check
    • ID Card Collection
    • Tuition/Accommodation Fees set up
    • GP registration
    • Vehicle registration
    • Meet the Student Life Reps and collect your accommodation key
    • Settling into campus accommodation and meeting other new students
    • Complete a fire drill
    • Learn your way around the campus

    Don’t forget to bring your passport (especially if you haven’t done your Right to Study Check yet) and you will most definitely need a pen!

    Don't forget your pen! There will be forms to complete and plenty of signatures required.

    Welcome Week

    Welcome week will run from Monday 23rd  September until Sunday 29th September, packed with activities including mandatory academic sessions, designed to ease you into your studies, assessments and timetable, and social events and activities to help you to get to know the Harper Adams community and settle in. The Academic Year will start on Monday 30th September, with all years (including you) starting to attend regular lectures that week.You will definitely notice the buzz on campus.

    Our Students’ Union and Student Services teams are working extremely hard to put together a programme to ensure that everyone can make the most of their first couple of weeks of university. Once the programme has been finalised details will be made available to new starters at the end of the Summer, in the same space as where we are hosting our applicant key information and online communities. If you are worried or have any questions about coming to Harper Adams, give Student Services a call on 01952 815396,  drop them an email on studentservices@harper-adams.ac.uk or . 

    We hope you are as excited as we are to see you on campus at the end of September – enjoy your Summer!

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