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    Whatever your disability you can achieve your full potential at Harper Adams. We can offer practical help, guidance and support with your studies and university life.

    We encourage students to fill out a Learner Support Registration form which is available online. You can ring us for a chat before you arrive so you have everything you need from day one. You don't have to tell us you have a disability but it will help us to make sure you receive the support and extra resources that will help you make the most of your time at university.

    We will work with you to develop a Student Support Plan which will cover the support we can put in place for you during your studies. Each plan is individual and you will need to provide appropriate evidence of your disability. Some examples of support could include:

    • Additional exam arrangements, which could include extra time, rest breaks and use of a smaller room.
    • Adjustments you may need in lectures, tutorials, laboratories or coursework.
    • Information to be shared with your course tutors. 

    We can also help you with:

    • Applications for the Disabled Students’ Allowance.
    • Arranging a study needs assessment as part of the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA).

    Visit our Academic Support page for further information on support for Specific Learning Differences, including dyslexia and DCD-dyspraxia.

    Information for assessors and ACCESS centres

    • (PDF)
    • (PDF)
    • ÎÞÂ붯»­ costs are VAT exempt.
    • All courses are PC based.
    • Prices for NMH are subject to change.
    • Network access is available in all student accommodation on campus

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