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The veterinary professions have a fundamental role in maintaining animal health and welfare. Registered Veterinary Nurses (RVN) are a vital part of the veterinary team and are well placed in delivering and implementing advice, care and interventions that improve outcome for animals.
The veterinary industry is evolving, which presents challenges and opportunities for veterinary professionals. As the industry is developing and diversifying, greater demand is placed on veterinary nurses to develop skills and competencies beyond the minimum professional Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) requirements.
The RCVS Post-Registration Framework allows registered veterinary nurses to study for the RCVS Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing (RCVS Cert AVN). Applicants can choose from several focused and subject specific RCVS accredited courses, allowing nurses to develop and advance their skills in their area of interest.
On successful completion of their chosen course, students can apply to the RCVS to award the Cert AVN. Students will also be awarded a University Certificate in their chosen specialism (either Grad Cert or PgC).
All of our Cert AVN courses are accredited by the .
Should students wish to further their studies after gaining a Cert AVN they can progress onto the Postgraduate Diploma (PgD), Master of Science (MSc) or Master of Research (MRes) routes.
If you are a Registered Veterinary Nurse, with a registerable qualification from a Further Education background, you can enrol on the Graduate Certificate route.
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If you are a Registered Veterinary Nurse, with a Higher Education (degree) background, you will typically enrol on the Postgraduate Certificate route.
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