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As the research centre lead of the Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics my research focuses on the economics of innovative agricultural technology and digitalisation through the application of interdisciplinary systems based approaches to inform decision making at multiple levels. This is being achieved by working with industry, government and other research institutions to provide economic intelligence and agri-tech solutions for UK and global agriculture and value chains. The objectives of my research are to develop approaches that link economics and science to provide greater insights into how agricultural systems work and how they can be manipulated to achieve the objectives of stakeholders and society. This includes the analysis of the impact of innovative technology, climate change and management on economic, environmental and social outcomes.
Current supervisions:
Previous supervisions:
Academic Department: Harper Adams Business School
Research: Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics (GIATE)
Research: Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Group
Tel: +44 (0) 1952 815 303
Office: MB67 Main Building
Research profile:
Research profile:
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