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The projects that we carry out in the CEBA span a broad range of topics and utilise a variety of different evidence collation and synthesis methods.
The selected projects below highlight the variety of topics addressed and methods used. A more comprehensive list of current and recent research projects can be viewed using the links in the 'projects list' area below.
Aim: To describe the current degree of uptake of circular economy in Europe and to identify and characterise emerging risks for plant, animal and human health and the environment related to the circular economy, resulting from new hazards and new exposure pathways.
Type of project: Critical review
Funders: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
Purpose: To gather information and evaluate the evidence for vulnerabilities of circular economy for food/feed safety, plant, animal and human health and the environment.
Partners: This multidisciplinary project includes staff from from across different departments at ÎÞÂ붯», together with a specialist risk assessment consultant from Lancaster University.
Aim: To identify and describe the evidence base surrounding humane stunning methods of relevance to the slaughter of wild-caught fish for food
Type of project: Systematic map and feasibility analysis
Funders: Humane Slaughter Association
Purpose: To investigate the feasibility of humane stunning in wild-capture commercial fisheries
Partners: University of Gothenburg, Silsoe Livestock Systems Ltd, University of Kelaniya
Aim: To better understand the factors that control release of ammonia from stored slurry and opportunities for reducing emissions during storage
Type of project: Quick scoping review
Funder: Environment Agency
Purpose: To inform decision-making about mitigating ammonia emission from stored slurry
Partners: Bern University, Aarhus University, Stockholm Environment Institute York, Heathside Consulting
Aim: To identify strategies used in food retail for managing food waste. The systematic map forms part of the 3-year €8m Horizon 2020 AgroCycle project addressing the recycling and valorisation of waste from the agri-food sector
Type of project: Systematic map
Funders: European Commission and Peoples Republic of China
Lead Organisation: University College Dublin
Purpose: To identify strategies used in the food retail sector for managing food waste.
Partner: ÎÞÂ붯» & 24 other partners
Aim: To identify gaps in potato crop protection across the sector, for a wide range of targets in the growing crop and storage.
Type of project: Gap analysis
Purpose: To inform crop protection research priorities and integrated pest management strategies in the sector.
Funder: Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board.
Aim: To assess the existing evidence base on the environmental and socio-economic impacts of organic production systems compared to conventional, of relevance to Scotland
Type of project: Rapid Evidence Assessment and analysis of survey data
Purpose: To inform Scottish organic policy
Funder: Scottish Government
Partner: James Hutton Institute
The CEBA hosts both funded and self funded student research projects. If you are interested in carrying out a student project we welcome informal enquiries. Examples of current and past research projects are listed below:
Undergraduate and taught postgraduate students also work on evidence synthesis projects with centre staff. Below is listed a selection of 2021 student projects.
MSc student research project titles
BSc (hons) research project titles
Listed below is a selection of current and past projects led by CEBA staff:
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